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ما هي قشرة الرأس؟ كيف نتخلص منه؟
بشكل عام ، قشرة الرأس مزعجة للجميع

What is dandruff? How do we get rid of it?

In general, dandruff is annoying to everyone, but it is exceptionally annoying to people with dark hair or those who like to wear dark clothes. These annoying white flakes come to spoil our style, and some may think that personal hygiene plays a role in their appearance, but on the contrary, excessive shampooing may sometimes cause dandruff to appear, but what is the real reason behind that? The appearance of dandruff? What are the most prominent factors that increase its appearance, and can it be eliminated? In this article we will discuss all of that and more.


Is dandruff a symptom of a scalp condition?

Yes! There is a close association between the appearance of dandruff and some skin diseases that affect the scalp, the most important of which is seborrheic dermatitis. People with this condition have oily and irritated skin accompanied by the appearance of dandruff. However, we note that the effect of this condition is limited to the scalp, as it may appear in different areas of the body such as the chest, behind the ears, and eyebrows. A certain group of people is more likely to develop seborrheic dermatitis than others, these people are people with obesity, a weakened immune system or other skin conditions such as scalp psoriasis and rosacea.




بالإضافة إلى هذه الحالة من قشرة الرأس ، هناك أسباب أخرى شائعة حيث يبدو أنها مرتبطة بحالات الأكزيما والتهاب الجلد التماسي.

In fact, science is still unable to pinpoint the exact cause of dandruff in people without skin conditions, however, most cases of dandruff are related to fungal infections; Malassezia fungus lives on scalp fat that is naturally secreted from hair follicles, and the appearance of dandruff does not cause the appearance of dandruff except in cases of excessive immune system reaction to the presence of Malassezia.

لماذا يحدث هذا رد الفعل المبالغ فيه؟ لا يزال غير واضح ، لكنه من شأنه أن يهيج الجلد ويسبب تكوين المزيد من خلايا الجلد فيه ، وبالتالي ظهور قشرة الرأس.



هل هناك عوامل تزيد من فرص الإصابة بقشرة الرأس؟


We mentioned in the previous paragraph the most prominent pathological conditions associated with the appearance of dandruff, but are there other factors that increase the chance of dandruff?


Daily habits can affect the condition of dandruff, such as not using enough shampoo while brushing hair or overusing it, as dryness and build-up can cause dandruff-like dandruff. It also seems to be more common in people with dry skin or oily, irritated skin than other types.


​  What affects the condition of the scalp the most, in addition to the use of very greasy products, as Malassezia feeds on oil. The best thing is to find the right ratio of cleansing to moisturizing.


It may also be strange to know that age plays a role in the appearance of dandruff, and dandruff often appears from the onset of puberty, extending to middle age, but this does not mean that the elderly do not develop dandruff, as its appearance is more common in young people, in addition to Age, scientists believe that male hormones have a greater role in the appearance of dandruff in men than in women, and these factors cannot be controlled.


نصائح لتقليل قشرة الرأس

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about dandruff is how to get rid of it, and we always try to find methods available at home, believing that they are safe, but these home remedies may make dandruff worse, here we will mention some safe tips that help in managing dandruff Head:

  • ​  Minimize the use of styling products
  • اتباع نظام صحي متوازن غني بمركب الزنك وفيتامين ب.
  • Follow a healthy balanced diet rich in zinc and vitamin B.
  • Reduce anxiety and stress as much as possible.
  • Use healthy and licensed products 



العلاجات الطبية للقشرة​


​  These include using medicated shampoos that contain effective ingredients, either killing Malassezia fungi that cause dandruff, or removing dandruff and dead skin by exfoliating, and we usually resort to these when dandruff is severe and regular shampoo fails to get rid of it, and these include:


  • Zinc pyrithione:

    وهي مادة مضادة للفطريات تساعد على التخلص من الفطريات التي تسبب قشرة الرأس. له تأثير لطيف على البشرة ويمكن استخدامه مرة واحدة يومياً.
  • قطران الفحم

     ​ Unlike the previous compound, this compound performs its function by limiting the growth and exfoliation of scalp skin cells, but unfortunately it may affect the color of light or gray hair, and it should be noted that this substance may be carcinogenic when used in a very high degree. Dosages, therefore it is preferable to consult a doctor first.
  • حمض الصفصاف

     This acid does exfoliate and exfoliate the scalp, but it can dry out the area it's applied to.
  • كيتوكونازول

     وهو مضاد للفطريات يقتل الفطريات المسببة للقشرة.
  • كبريتيد السيلينيوم

     This compound has a dual action, the first is to reduce the fungus and the second is to prevent the death of more scalp skin cells, and it also contributes to reducing the production of oils from the scalp glands.


أما بالنسبة للحالات المرضية التي تسبب قشرة الرأس ، فالأمر متروك للأخصائي لعلاج الحالة ضمن بروتوكولاته.



- “Dandruff.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 11 Sept. 2019,

- “How to Get Rid of Milia: Treatment, Prevention, and Causes.” Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 26 Jan. 2020,

- “How to Treat Dandruff.” American Academy of Dermatology,

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